You know the old adage: “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” The world of speech and debate can be overwhelming. Even expert competitors need to refresh and learn up on basics. It helps to know the order of learning — called the “sequence” in educational circles — so you can take off a little bite at a time.
Monument’s Sequence Chart shows you the steps we recommend to learn an event. Premium Members get access to all Monument lessons, curriculum, videos and audios we have to help you along each step. These pages are archived to allow you to revisit as needed to enhance your competitive success, helping you become the champion you want to be.
NOTE: The Monument Sequence is being developed through Season 19, expecting to be fully developed for Season 20. Expect hyperlinks to be added through Season 19.
Policy Sequence
- The Purpose of Policy Debate
- Flowing Policy Debate
- Speaking Responsibilities
- Stock Issues
- Affirmative
- Fiat
- Case Writing
- Negative
- Cross-Examination
- Evidence
- Evidence Ethics
- Refutation and Analysis
- Solvency
- Disadvantages
- Topicality
- Speaker Points
- Judging
- Negative Briefing
- Counter Plans and Minor Repairs
- Kritiks
- Advanced Affirmative Strategies
- Advanced Debate Research
Lincoln-Douglas Sequence
- The Purpose of Lincoln-Douglas Debate
- Structure & Strategy of Lincoln-Douglas Debate
- Flowing Lincoln-Douglas Debate
- Values
- Criteria
- Contentions
- Proof and Support
- Case Construction
- Cross-examination
- Speaking
- Kritik
- Drills
Other Sequences
Monument Publishing provides many other sequences that will be developed in coming years. These include…
- Public Forum Sequence
- Parli Sequence
- Interp Sequence
- Platform Sequence
- Extemp Sequence
- Apologetics Sequence