Apologetics in the NCFCA is one of the most competitive speech events offered in the homeschool league. Monument Members receive weekly releases to help prepare for apologetics competitions.
New to Season 20! Rather than dripping out one piece per week through the end of the school year, all apologetics pieces will be thoroughly sourced by Christmas 2019. A calendar will be followed to move competitors through all the NCFCA prompts by Christmas, giving members the best positioning possible for competition.
[sc name=”Category Note”][display-posts category=”ncfca-apologetics” include_excerpt=”true” image_size=”medium” title=”Newest Release” posts_per_page=”1″ wrapper=”div” excerpt_more=”Read More” excerpt_more_link=”true”]
[display-posts category=”ncfca-apologetics” offset=”1″ include_date=”true” title=”Earlier NCFCA Apologetics Releases” posts_per_page=”100″]
[sc name=”S20 Release Schedule”]
[sc name=”Permission and Usage”]